Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR) is a minimally invasive procedure used to treat aortic valve stenosis, a condition in which the aortic valve becomes narrowed and obstructs blood flow from the heart to the rest of the body. TAVR is an alternative to traditional open-heart surgery for patients who are considered high-risk or too frail for surgery.

During a TAVR procedure, a thin, flexible tube called a catheter is inserted through an artery in the groin or chest and guided to the heart. A new valve is then placed over the existing valve using the catheter. Once the new valve is in place, the catheter is removed and the incision is closed.

One of the major benefits of TAVR is its minimally invasive nature. Unlike traditional open-heart surgery, TAVR does not require the breastbone to be cut and the chest to be opened. This results in less pain and a shorter recovery time for patients.

TAVR has been shown to be an effective treatment for aortic valve stenosis in high-risk patients. It has also been approved for patients who are considered intermediate-risk, expanding the number of patients who may benefit from this procedure.

As with any medical procedure, TAVR does carry some risks. These may include bleeding, infection, stroke, or damage to the blood vessels or heart. However, the risks of TAVR are generally lower than those associated with traditional open-heart surgery.

If you are experiencing symptoms of aortic valve stenosis, such as chest pain, shortness of breath, or fatigue, talk to your doctor about whether TAVR may be a suitable treatment option for you. Your doctor can help you weigh the benefits and risks of TAVR and determine the best course of treatment for your individual needs.

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